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1 and 2 Kings for Everyone - A Few Things You Could Pray For
1 and 2 Kings for Everyone - A Few Things You Could Pray For
by SPCK - John Goldingay
A Few Things You Can Pray For 1 Kings 8:31-40 I just had a phone call from the rector of the church where I am to preach on Sunday. It will be Pentecost, and I thought they were asking me just because they wanted a guest preacher for that festival, but she had apparently forgotte
God is in the thick of living
God is in the thick of living
by Andrew Pratt
God is in the thick of living, in the midst of love and life; God is in our haste and hurry, in our peace and through our strife. At the crux of every crisis, with the wounded and bereft, Christ is crucified, derided, knows our punishment and stress. This is God, incarnate, wit
Hymn: We trust in one we name as God
Hymn: We trust in one we name as God
by Andrew Pratt
We trust in one we name as God, above all else we see; the ground of being, God of love, will hold and set us free. And all our worship, praise and prayer, can't magnify the grace that God is pouring all the while on us, within this place. Verse 3 follows Tune: BELMONT Metre: CM
The Act of Prayer Year C - Second Sunday of Epiphany Year C
The Act of Prayer Year C - Second Sunday of Epiphany Year C
by BRF - John Birch
Second Sunday of Epiphany Year C Opening prayer In our worship today, let us remember that the love of God for his people and for his church knows no limits. The psalmist talks of God’s love reaching up to the heavens and his justice to the depth of the ocean, and yet God blesses
New Jerusalem
New Jerusalem
by Andrew T Murphy
Seen alongside William Blake's original poem, this is a reworking for Christian congregations, using the same tune (by Parry). Suitable especially for occasions where 'Jerusalem' is requested but the words of the original are not relevant. The first verse deals with the mystery
The Open Gate - Intercession
The Open Gate - Intercession
by SPCK - David Adam
Intercession Intercession is not so much what we want from God, as discovering what He wants to do and is already doing for us. It is not that we are seeking to change God’s mind, rather it is to open our minds and our lives to His action that is taking place. Too often in prayer
Poem: Speaking out
Poem: Speaking out
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Speaking out If a long-ago prophet could not keep silent about the virtues of a city, so righteous in his day, but torn by strife in our time; how is it that we, who know the extent of the love of God, as shown in the life and death of Jesus, Continues... ©Marjorie Dobson
Hymn: How safe is that? God owns us and protects us
Hymn: How safe is that? God owns us and protects us
by Andrew Pratt
How safe is that? God owns us and protects us. While life is cruel this shepherd knows the flock. We could not gain or earn the love that holds us. The grace of God is solid, like a rock. We cannot wander where God's love is absent. The universe is furnished with God's care. When
Beyond this world of doubt and desperation
Beyond this world of doubt and desperation
by Andrew Pratt
Beyond this world of doubt and desperation the seed of love was cast upon this earth, that all might know that love, before creation, had called all human life to come to birth. At first this love was seen through incarnation, God leaving trails of glory, holding grace, to come a
Twelve Months of Sunday year c - Proper 22 Year C
Twelve Months of Sunday year c - Proper 22 Year C
by SPCK - N T Wright
Proper 22 Lamentations 1.1–6 2 Timothy 1.1–14 Luke 17.5–10 Paul, in prison, writes about power. Dangerous stuff, we say – tends to corrupt, and all that. Paul’s setting, and the work that got him there, guards him from misunderstanding. Tyrants speak of God’s power to validate th
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